Solemn Meeting of the USUST Academic Council
On June 13, 2024, a solemn meeting of the Academic Council was held in the conference hall of the SEI DIIT to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the establishment and success of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.
The event was attended by members of the Academic Council, the university administration, representatives of student self-government, and honored guests:
- Igor Makovtsev, Director of the Department of Transport and Transport Infrastructure,
- Anatoliy Bulat, Chairman of the Prydniprovsk Scientific Center,
- Kostiantyn Zavhorodnii, First Deputy General Director of SE “Production Union Pivdennyi Machine-Building Plant named after O.M. Makarov”,
- Serhii Okovytyi, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Dnipro Oblast.
13 червня 2024 року в залі засідань ННІ ДІІТ відбулося урочисте засідання Вченої ради з нагоди 125-річчя становлення і успіху Українського державного університету науки і технологій.
The solemn meeting was opened by Kostiantyn Sukhyi, Acting Rector of USUST, who in his speech congratulated those present and noted the university’s significant contribution to the development of science, education, and innovation.
During the meeting, the following reports were presented:
- On the establishment of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (Professor Yurii Proidak, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of USUST),
- On the architectural heritage of the university (Associate Professor Oleksandr Kharlan, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of SEI PSACEA),
- Scientific achievements and development prospects (Professor Oleksandr Velichenko, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Awards from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and certificates were also presented to the best scientists, teachers, and university staff.
An unexpected gift was a unique amber painting from the personnel of the Production Union Pivdennyi Machine-Building Plant, presented by First Deputy General Director Kostiantyn Zavhorodnii.
All attendees witnessed a pleasant event: the election of Anatolii Fedorovych Bulat, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, as Honorary Doctor and Professor of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.
We are confident that USUST will continue its glorious history and conquer the new heights.
More photos available at the link