Sport life

Спорт – це не просто фізична активність, це образ життя і джерело натхнення. Український державний університет науки і технологій пропонує широкий спектр спортивних заходів і можливостей для занять фізичною культурою.

Наші студентські команди регулярно беруть участь у змаганнях на регіональному та міжнародному рівнях, привертаючи увагу якістю та професіоналізмом. Ми пишаємося нашими спортсменами і підтримуємо їх у всіх починаннях.

Наш університет підтримує не лише фізичний розвиток, а й духовний. Ми віримо, що активний образ життя сприяє успішній навчанню і особистісному зростанню. Приєднуйтеся до нашої спортивної команди та відчуйте енергію руху разом з нами!

Спортивні заходи та досягнення за науковими інститутами:






Solemn Meeting of the USUST Academic Council

Solemn Meeting of the USUST Academic Council

On June 13, 2024, a solemn meeting of the Academic Council was held in the conference hall of the SEI DIIT to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the establishment and success of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.   The event was attended by members of the Academic Council, the university administration, representatives of...

Celebratory Concert for the 125th Anniversary of USUST

Celebratory Concert for the 125th Anniversary of USUST

On June 13, 2024, a festive concert was held at the Palace of Culture of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the university's establishment and success. The event gathered numerous guests - government representatives, teachers, students, and graduates.   The concert was hosted by...

Ministry of Education and Science Awards for University Personnel

Ministry of Education and Science Awards for University Personnel

On June 10, 2014, at 11:00, a final meeting of the higher education sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine took place, with the participation of Deputy Minister Mykhailo Vynnytskyi. The following individuals were invited to participate in the meeting: Mykhailo Kapitsa, Director of...

Dear Colleagues, Students of Higher Education, and Applicants!

Dear Colleagues, Students of Higher Education, and Applicants!

I welcome you to the page of the newly created Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies - a powerful multidisciplinary regional center of higher education in Dnipro, where elite human resources specializing in training professionals in many fields are concentrated. Our educational institution has expanded and embarked on the path of...

Sofia Mitina’s Victory at the ADCC World Championship

Sofia Mitina’s Victory at the ADCC World Championship

We are delighted to announce that our student, Sofia Mitina, has achieved a brilliant victory at the ADCC World Championship in amateur Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! On May 26, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland, Sofia won a silver medal, demonstrating exceptional skill and will to win.   This is not Sofia's first victory in the sports arena. On March 16, 2024, she...