Sport life

Спорт – це не просто фізична активність, це образ життя і джерело натхнення. Український державний університет науки і технологій пропонує широкий спектр спортивних заходів і можливостей для занять фізичною культурою.

Наші студентські команди регулярно беруть участь у змаганнях на регіональному та міжнародному рівнях, привертаючи увагу якістю та професіоналізмом. Ми пишаємося нашими спортсменами і підтримуємо їх у всіх починаннях.

Наш університет підтримує не лише фізичний розвиток, а й духовний. Ми віримо, що активний образ життя сприяє успішній навчанню і особистісному зростанню. Приєднуйтеся до нашої спортивної команди та відчуйте енергію руху разом з нами!

Спортивні заходи та досягнення за науковими інститутами:






Creative contribution of USUST students to victory

Creative contribution of USUST students to victory

In May 2024, every creative team from Dnipro's higher education institutions participated in a competition for victory in the city festival "Student Spring 2024". The team from the SEI "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" (USUST) won first place in this year's festival, falling short of the winner by only 5 points out of 400...

Excellent Finish for USUST Athletes

Excellent Finish for USUST Athletes

From July 24 to 26, 2024, Junior Ukrainian Athletics Championships  took place in Ivano-Frankivsk, at the stadium of the National Technical University of Oil and Gas. The championship opening was attended by the acting president of the Ukrainian Athletics Federation, Olga Saladukha, who wished the athletes success and good luck. The ceremonial...

Participation of USUST Researchers in the European ETUT Project

Participation of USUST Researchers in the European ETUT Project

The ETUT (Electrification Technology for Urban Transport) project has received funding from the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program (Grant Agreement №955646) and combines the efforts of three universities: University of Twente (Netherlands), University of Nottingham (UK), and Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies...

Recognition of Student Scientists and Their Supervisors at the USUST Academic Council

Recognition of Student Scientists and Their Supervisors at the USUST Academic Council

On June 26, 2024, at the Academic Council of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, a ceremonial greeting was held for student scientists and their scientific supervisors from the SEI "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology". The importance of creating conditions for students' creative development, their...

USUST Student Among Silver Medalists at the Ukrainian Championship

USUST Student Among Silver Medalists at the Ukrainian Championship

From July 5 to 7, 2024, the Ukrainian Academic Rowing Championship for under-23 years old athletes took place in Kyiv. The competition brought many positive emotions to the fans and significant results for our team.   We would especially like to highlight USUST student Yan Kamalov, who, together with his crew consisting of Oleksandr Ivanov,...