Trade Union Committee of USUST

The university’s Trade Union Committee is an important body that represents the interests of employees and the student community in the university environment. This committee works on social and labor issues, protects the rights and interests of university community members, helps resolve conflicts, and strengthens dialogue between administration and employees.

The Trade Union Committee performs a number of functions, including conducting negotiations with the university administration on working conditions, social security, and other labor aspects. It also organizes activities for professional development, social support, and cultural events for members of the university community.

The main tasks of the Trade Union Committee are to protect the labor rights and interests of employees, promote social justice and stability, and support the development of a professional and cultural environment at the university. The committee actively cooperates with the administration and other public organizations to achieve these goals and support the well-being of the entire university community.

The Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies has the following trade union associations:

United Trade Union Organization of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine USUST

Primary Trade Union Organization of SEI DIIT

Trade Union Committee of SEI PSACEA

Primary Trade Union Organization of SEI USUCT