Governing and Self-Governing Bodies

Management and Self-Governance Bodies of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies are key structures that ensure effective leadership and management of the university community’s activities. They include various bodies and associations such as the Academic Council, Supervisory Board, Scientific and Technical Council, Council of Young Scientists, Student Self-Government, Labor Collective Conference, Trade Union Committee, and others.

Academic Council promotes the organization and development of scientific activities, establishes scientific priorities, and is responsible for fostering innovation in science. Student Self-Government represents the interests of the student community and promotes the development of student life, providing them with opportunities for active participation in the university environment. Labor Collective Conference is a forum for discussing and making strategic decisions regarding university management and ensuring the effective functioning of the entire collective. These bodies jointly contribute to the university’s development, ensuring its stability, growth, and implementation of new ideas and projects.

Academic Council

Supervisory Board

Scientific and Technical Council

Student Self-Government

Trade Union Committee

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