Sport life

Спорт – це не просто фізична активність, це образ життя і джерело натхнення. Український державний університет науки і технологій пропонує широкий спектр спортивних заходів і можливостей для занять фізичною культурою.

Наші студентські команди регулярно беруть участь у змаганнях на регіональному та міжнародному рівнях, привертаючи увагу якістю та професіоналізмом. Ми пишаємося нашими спортсменами і підтримуємо їх у всіх починаннях.

Наш університет підтримує не лише фізичний розвиток, а й духовний. Ми віримо, що активний образ життя сприяє успішній навчанню і особистісному зростанню. Приєднуйтеся до нашої спортивної команди та відчуйте енергію руху разом з нами!

Спортивні заходи та досягнення за науковими інститутами:






Congratulations to USUST Scientists on Receiving Academic Degrees and Titles

Congratulations to USUST Scientists on Receiving Academic Degrees and Titles

By order № 920 dated June 26, 2024, the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the decision of the USUST Academic Council dated May 29, 2024, on the award of academic titles: Professor Title: Dmytro Oleksiiovych Bosyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Intelligent Power Supply...

Illia Kunin Awarded the Title of Master of Sports of Ukraine

Illia Kunin Awarded the Title of Master of Sports of Ukraine

We are pleased to inform you that Illia Kunin, a student of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, studying in the group KN01-23M (SEI IIBT), has been awarded the title of Master of Sports of Ukraine in athletics (Order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports № 2241 dated 11.04.2024). This significant achievement became possible...

USUST Rector Kostiantyn Sukhyi Awarded the Badge “For Assistance to the Military”

USUST Rector Kostiantyn Sukhyi Awarded the Badge “For Assistance to the Military”

On June 21, 2024, the Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kamyshin, presented the badge of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "For Assistance to the Military" to Kostiantyn Sukhyi, the Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology. This honorary award is granted for a significant...

I sincerely thank you for the trust you have placed in me during the rector elections!

I sincerely thank you for the trust you have placed in me during the rector elections!

Dear colleagues and friends! I sincerely thank you for the trust you have placed in me during the rector elections. I perceive this as a kind of advance, because during my time as acting rector, we have discussed many tasks for the future. After the elections, I have once again become convinced that we will be able to realize the vector of...

Horizon Europe National Contact Point Established at USUST!

Horizon Europe National Contact Point Established at USUST!

According to the results of the competitive selection, the Ministry of Education and Science has created a network of national contact points (NCPs) for the EU scientific program "Horizon Europe". The Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies is the only institution in the Dnipropetrovsk region that has become one of the winners! Our...

125 Years of Establishment and Success of USUST

125 Years of Establishment and Success of USUST

Dear Colleagues! Dnipro is a city of youth and students, a pearl of modern architecture and construction, the heartland of metallurgical and chemical industries, the heart of the Prydniprovska Railway, and the birthplace of Olympic champions. And  it is here that in 1899 the history of higher education began, paving the way for the establishment...